Painting The Dragon, NAME THE IMAGE…And The Fall Opening Is Almost Here!!!

Dear Blog Friends!

Next Thursday the 27th I begin a three day EVENT…and YOU ARE INVITED!

Come and see all of the 2011 originals on display!
We have lots of specials…at the show and online.
Our new iPhone, Kindle, Camera, SmartPhone Cases will be ON SALE!
My Daughter Sky designed 12 new computer images from my art for these “CarryAlls”.

Look for your invitation in the mail and we hope you can come!

NOW…Art Class.
“How to paint a watercolor background.”

This week I painted a Dragon and Phoenix to honor the coming year…
“2012”  which is the year of the Dragon.
The challenge will be the very complicated background.

With Watercolor you have to paint light to dark so all of the foreground needs to be completed first.

I use Repetition With Variation in all of the colors. The colors of the Phoenix are repeated in the boy.The Dragon is repeated in the clouds.

Now the background.

You need to mix up ALLOT of PAINT.

You need quiet time to complete your wash. Interruptions can ruin your flow!

Do your large wet on wet wash background in stages and use lots of water to keep the washes smooth.

Keep building up the colors. Remember they will dry back lighter so you need allot of pigment.

Did you notice the repeated swirls in the wash?

Placing clear water around all of the fine hairs and wings an feathers takes time.

Be patient.

Keep your paper wet.

Painting around all of the objects is the trick! I use FLAT BRUSHES.

They can be used for details like getting in between the hairs  using the edge of the brush.

They can hold allot of water unlike a fine tipped brush.

If you get the paper too wet…no worries, pick up the excess water with a paper towel!

Use the color in the sky for the shadows…just very pale.

Finish your painting with white titanium paint and your liner brush!


Please click HERE to post on my FB Fan Page!

If I choose your title, I will send you a limited edition DRAGON and PHOENIX  print !

If you want to cast a vote for your favorite title, click the “LIKE” button under the best submission.

Chinese Prophesy: “When both the Dragon dances and the Phoenix soars… happiness and peace will rule the world.”

Wishing you all good things…and a little magic!



~ by jodybergsma on October 20, 2011.

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